Thursday, November 29, 2007

Cell Phone Magic

I was eight years old when I saw my first cell phone. It was my mom's cell phone and boy did i think that was cool. It was gigantic grey plastic thing that wrapped around the side of her face. The antenna was about ten feet long and still got really bad service. I remember thinking how amazing these new pieces of technology was and I thought my mom was the only person who had one. I was right. Not many people back then had the cell phone and most people around the world have never heard of a cell phone. But that was then.

Cell phones are all over the place now days and they are getting more and more complex everyday. I turn on the TV and there is always a different cell phone commerical. From when my mom had her first piece of crap cell phone to now the times have changed. The cell phone is changing the every day world and especially the business world. When i was in 6th grade everybody had a cell phone. Cell phone popularity is generating all throughout the world. And the capabilities of the cell phone are just amazing.

What can't the cell phone do? It has become the whole package, and this package comes in all different shapes and sizes. Cell phones can be as small as your thumb and are as big as a grown adult's hand. But it seems like the case for size is "smaller is better." The ski is the limit for the technology being boosted onto the cell phone.

From only being able to dial and receive phone calls to being able to text and picture message people all over the world. Cellular phones are magical they can do whatever you want. If you need to take a picture and you don't have your camera, the cell phone is there. If you are in the middle of a movie and can't make an important phone call, the cell phone is there with texting. If you feel like working out and you forgot to bring your CD player; most cell phones have mp3 technology now. You can even get on the web from your cell phone. Cell phones must cause some sort of brain damage because they are just too good to be true. I can't think of one more capability that someone would need....o yea watch a movie. Wait the cell phone can that as well.

From being a large piece of junk that weighed twenty pounds and blocked one side of your vision when held up to your ear to a small pocket size computer that makes calls. The cell phone might be the greatest piece of technology ever to be made. Talking to someone from opposite points of the globe was something never thought to ever be done.

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