Thursday, October 18, 2007

Future Weapons

Everyday the United States military is brainstorming ideas for every type of situation. These ideas are future weapons. The United States military has the most advanced technology and enough income to make these ideas into real life. These future weapons will are being developed and tested now, so in the years to come they will be used on the combat field. Also these weapons are being made to help protect our soldiers more and beat the enemy more sufficiently.

The Corner Shot 40 is newly designed hand held firearm that allows someone to shoot around corners. The idea behind this is to protect the operator from any incoming fire and to allow the operator to fire back with acuracy. The gun is equipped with a carmera on the end of the swizling barrel. The camera transmits a video and thermal image around the corner to the soldier and the rest of the teammates on a screen. The swizzling barrel can rotate 63 degrees to the right or to the left. The stock can be exchanged with a grenade launcher and a 9mm hand gun.

The MOAB Bomb is one of the most powerful weapons in the United States arsonal. MOAB stands for Massive Orndance Air Blast. This bomb is 30 feet long, wieghs 21,000 lbs, and carries nine tons of H-6 explosives. The MOAB can only be deployed from the back of a cargo airplane. It uses a GPS system to pin point its targets. Realistically, one MOAB bomb would not do as much damage as many other smaller bombs, but becasue of it huge blast and the same mushroom cloud a nuclear bomb makes, the MOAB is great phycological threat.

Barrett M107 Rifle is high powered spiner rifle. The M107 was first used in Desert Storm, and worked effictively. The M107 fires over 5,000 feet and can take down anything from enemy personal to park aircrafts. The M107 uses .50 caliber ammo, very long shells that have been used for a long time as well. The design of the gun elimates the amount of recoil, so the soldier and concentrate on a specific target and fire multiple times accurately. The standard Barrett M107 sniper rifle comes with a 10X telescopic sight and a bipod, which makes it even more deadly accurate.

These are just a couple of the United States military's new toys. They all have different specific jobs, but they have one goal in common; to help protect the American soldier in the future on the battle field. These are some of the Future Weapons that are being tested at present time or are already in the field being used. One thing I know is that I do NOT want to be an enemy of the United States of America when they are creating weapons such as these.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Apple is Taking Over

Apple was the first company to have the computer. I can remember the rainbow colored apple logo. Then Apple was left in the dust and over taken by the new rising computer companies such as, HP, Dell, and Sony. But, that is when every body should have bought stock in Apple. Because Apple was not doing to well and was not selling as good as the other companies. Now, Apple is on the move, and moving to the future. And boy would I like some of that Stock!!

Apple began the MP3 Age, and have been on top of all there competitors with their IPod. The IPod started as a box that you could only place music on. Now, it does everything! It can hold thousands of songs and play videos. The sizes range from as small as your thumbnail(the shuffle) to the size of your hand, with a wide screen to watch your movies.

The IPod has now transformed into a phone, the IPhone. The IPhone does it all. It has the same sleek design of a IPod, except for the big touch sensitive screen on the front. With the IPhone you can get online and surf the web and check out the latest sports news or you could get online to check your email. It has all the capabilities of any other phone as well; call and text. If you are lost, the IPhone has its own personal GPS and can give you directions to the nearest restaurant. It doesn't stop there. The IPhone can also play music and videos, as well as take pictures. Now, for all those people out there that like to have there office where ever they go, instead of bringing your phone, MP3, camera, and laptop; you can just bring your fully capable IPHone.

There is more. The Apple laptops are equipped with everything as well. The new Apple Laptop is not yet out but seems to be at the top of the line and fully loaded. The New Mac OS X Leopard, has the same sleek design but now has 300+ new features. That's pretty impressive. It is equipped with IChat, anyone who does not know what that means, it means you can have a visual conversation with somebody from any location. The Leopard has a new organizing function that helps you reduce your computer clutter. It also has a time machine. Yes, that is right a time machine, but this does not take you through the past, it allows you to see how your system was on any day and restore the file. Nice for viruses. One last function it has is how you can view your files. They can be viewed the same way you would view your music on your IPhone, one can preview a page before they open it.

Apple is got it all. Not only do they have the great advanced technology, but they have the look. When someone thinks about how things are in the future, two words come into mind; smooth and simple. Apple has both of them covered. All Apple's products have smooth sleek covers and all of them make life pretty simple. Pretty basic easy to learn advanced technology. As long as Apple continues with what they are doing, they should be leading the pack for a long time.